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Affiliate Industry

How to Launch Your Affiliate Program for Any Niche in Just 2 Hours?





Whether you’re creating an affiliate program from scratch or planning to migrate from another platform, now you can do it in just a few hours with Alanbase. These processes have never been easier and faster!

Why is that? We have ready presets for iGaming, media buying teams, e-commerce, and many other niches for both Web and Mobile. We guarantee complete customization: all metrics, dashboards, and statistics can be 100% tailored to your needs. Below, we’ll explain the phenomenon of the builder because that’s what sets us apart and makes us one of the fastest and most affordable solutions on the market. We’ll also talk about our most interesting features, such as cohort analysis, tech support, statistics, and more. Speaking of statistics: some arbitrage teams use Alanbase as a tracker and say it’s more convenient than commonly used tools. For example, each media buyer has their own dashboard where they see their statistics and takes their links to drive traffic.

Moreover, Alanbase is a platform created by industry professionals in arbitrage and casinos for similar professionals. In other words, the platform was developed by arbitrators like you, and that’s why we’ve taken care of all the details for convenient work.

So, are these details really important or not?


  1. Goal Splitting

There is a problem where many systems cannot separate the customer’s journey into goals and only show the fact of them completing the final target action. In Alanbase, you can see the customer’s journey through various intermediate goals and use it in statistics.

  1. Conversion creation at the moment of the target action, not click

When using some systems and trackers, due to the absence of the concept of “Goal,” different target actions can be one conversion. Thus, Registration and Deposit can be one conversion, which will only change the status depending on what it is. Therefore, it will be impossible to count the number of Registrations and Deposits separately to calculate conversion. But with Alanbase, you will always see up-to-date data on the actual day of the target action in a convenient and readable format.

  1. Working with Different Currencies with Real-Time Conversion

Often, all user actions in a product are carried out in a local currency, and it is necessary to see statistics in the original currency, but payments can be in USD. In Alanbase, we allow you to send all actions in the original currency and make payments in the currency that suits you. Exchange rates are always up-to-date and correspond to the ECB rate.

  1. Setting a time window for when conversions will be paid to the webmaster

Imagine that a user registered and did not perform a paid target action immediately, but only on the 97th day after registration. Is it necessary to pay such a lead to a partner, as it is most likely the achievement of your Email marketing and customer retention department? Alanbase allows you to set a time window for paying conversions.

Many features may not seem essential when starting with any platform. But that’s exactly what you pay attention to later! And we made sure that our users don’t encounter difficulties both at the beginning and over time.

If you don’t believe it, write to our product manager on Telegram, and he will show you all the customization features in action. Or, sign up for a demo call; we’ve specifically allocated a few slots for this.

Your Affiliate Program or SaaS solution?

What’s wrong with developing your affiliate program from scratch? At first glance, the solution seems tempting. In reality, however, dozens of developers, months, or even years of work, and sums in tens of thousands of dollars stand behind your affiliate program. As a result: it’s a quite labor-intensive process that hides many pitfalls and requires experience in the niche. Design mistakes at the start of development can lead to consequences that will only be visible months into development when there is no turning back, and it turns out that time and funds were directed in the wrong direction.

Using SaaS solutions saves not only money and time but is also the most attractive and intuitive way to create your affiliate program and manage affiliate campaigns. The question is, which SaaS company to choose? Every SaaS company calls itself the most stable, intuitive, fast, flexible, scalable, and other epithets until marketers run out of imagination. And here you are, reading reviews, looking for honest feedback, asking colleagues and acquaintances, but all this won’t help until you know it in practice.

In practice, you can encounter the following situations: either the functionality is too complex, and a very good specialist is needed for training, or the opposite situation—there is little functionality and it is insufficient. There are systems that seem to fit all criteria, but when you start working with them, another pitfall emerges: unstable operation.


Many of our clients switched to us from other platforms, and we ask them, “What was missing from others?” Here are the answers we received:

  • Technical support that always responds and is ready to help promptly.
  • Flexibility and adaptability of the system to the needs of the business.
  • Flexible real-time statistics, considering specialized tools for iGaming.
  • Integration assistance.
  • Speed and responsiveness of the interface.
  • System stability.
  • The ability to influence the functionality that is being implemented in the product.

So, is there an option that can encompass all the advantages of systems and be free from the drawbacks inherent in other systems? Yes, and that’s Alanbase—a universal SaaS solution for building affiliate programs, which, thanks to its adaptability and builder functionality, is suitable for almost any business direction, whether it’s E-commerce, mobile games, or products in the iGaming industry.

Constructor, you say?


If you take a closer look at our logo, you can notice the image of a parrot, and it’s not just a coincidence! A parrot is an intelligent bird capable of performing complex tricks, understanding the essence of certain mechanisms, adapting to conditions, having high intelligence, and the ability to learn. Just like us: always trainable and customizable, a constructor that constantly adapts to its clients.

To better understand our customization capabilities, we will provide a few examples that have already been implemented based on our system. Studying them, remember: all events are freely customizable, and you can always add them to the systems for tracking and use them as paid events. All you need to do is be able to inform us of the fact of this event on your S2S postback.

Need a real-time system for gambling? We can track all indicators:

  • Registration,
  • First Deposit,
  • Repeat deposit,
  • Withdrawal,
  • Bet,
  • Bet Calculation,
  • Casino spin,
  • Spin calculation,
  • Balances activation and wager requirements.
  • Many other arbitrary events are also supported.

Need a solution to track the economy of a product using a subscription model and one-time payments, like an online school? We can easily track all indicators:

  • Registration,
  • Trial activation,
  • First sale,
  • Repeat sale,
  • One-time purchases,
  • Refunds, and many other additional arbitrary events.

A solution for publishers of mobile games? Absolutely! We can track:

  • Registration,
  • Game start,
  • Training completion,
  • Achievement of any level,
  • Activity after 3 days, after 7 days,
  • In-game purchases, and their amounts.
  • Many other additional arbitrary events are supported.

As you can see from the examples above, we can adapt to any niche and provide you with the solution you need. But adaptability to different niches is far from all that makes Alanbase a constructor.

What else?

  • At Alanbase, it is unique and unparalleled. Calculations are based on information sent to us by advertisers and parameters calculated by Alanbase itself. For example:
  • average daily check for a referred user,
  • total payment amount per day,
  • conversion from any target action to almost all available marketing metrics,
  • daily EPC,
  • daily ARPU,
  • CR,
  • average check per acquired user,
  • user lifetime,
  • and much more, limited only by your business requirements.

The ability to output the calculation of any indicators that can be calculated and grouped in any way—that’s us. Metrics in the statistics columns are calculated using arbitrary formulas limited only by your business tasks.



Smart Goals.

In Alanbase, you define the events you want to send to the system. Accordingly, you track the user actions on the product that interest you. With Alanbase, you can calculate more complex metrics. To explain with an example: You have an online English language school. Your users register, go through the training course, and either purchase full access or subscribe. There are also opportunities for one-time purchases of various add-ons. For such a school, we can offer tracking absolutely all target actions on the product: registration, completion of each lesson, tracking of each payment, tracking of payment refunds, the number of users who made 5, 10, 15, etc., payments during the entire lifecycle, and much more. You provide us with all the information on all system users, and we calculate on our side both basic metrics (1st lesson) and more complex ones, such as the number of users who made purchases totaling more than 100 USD.



We have no pre-installed methods for any payment systems for partners to request payouts. You will work with the payment methods practiced in your company and will have no restrictions. What other advantages does Alanbase offer? Above, we delved a bit into statistics and explained the phenomenon of the constructor. Let’s look at the features of Alanbase functionality and discuss what sets us apart.

Cohort Analysis:


Few have it ready-made. Yet, it is an exceptionally useful feature that allows you to assess the activity of users attracted to your products by your partners. It helps evaluate their profitability and allows adjustments to the economic model of interaction with your partners. It is as customizable as our statistics. By using the same logic, you can define arbitrary formulas based on parameters calculated by Alanbase and those sent by advertisers. For example, you can track activity based on any arbitrary indicators such as payment amount, quantity, conversion from one payment to another, hitting certain KPIs, etc., grouped by weeks. This allows you to see how each cohort of product users manifests activity every week.

Role Management:

Our role system allows flexible management of employee access. We don’t just limit access to sections of the system; we differentiate rights for specific actions. For example, you can create roles for a technical integrator who won’t have access to statistics or for a finance employee who will only deal with payouts. The role management system also allows managers to have access only to their assigned partners. Managers will see statistics, working conditions, and data directly for the partners they are assigned to, rather than all registered in the system.

Technical Support:

Yes, we are confident that a separate paragraph is needed here. After all, what could be easier than diving into a partner program specifically tailored for you and navigating freely? However, despite our interface being straightforward for our clients and having reference materials available, any system will have peculiarities that may not be immediately clear, requiring assistance in such cases. Our support responds quickly within a day, helping not only with the system’s functionality but also with solving complex partner cases. Our support specialists assist with onboarding and training staff to work with the system, help with integration model and initial setup, understand your traffic flow, advise on the best use of the platform, assist with integrating trackers and applications into Alanbase, as well as third-party solutions like AppsFlyer, work on and assist with migration from the current service to Alanbase, and help configure statistics and the system to meet your needs and business requirements.

Here are just a few questions our support specialists help with:

  • Onboarding and training staff to work with the system
  • Assisting with the integration model and initial setup, considering the specifics of your business
  • Understanding your traffic flow and advising on how best to use the platform
  • Assisting with the integration of trackers and applications into Alanbase, as well as third-party solutions like AppsFlyer
  • Working on and assisting with migration from the current service to Alanbase
  • Helping configure statistics and the system to meet your needs and business requirements

In Alanbase, Support is our clients’ friend!

Non-stop Optimization:

We are constantly improving and refining both the server and client parts of our service. Work is ongoing to improve the speed and stability of services. Continuous efforts are made to improve the intuitiveness of client dashboards by studying the use cases of our current clients. Only modern management and development methodologies, the fastest technologies, and solutions are used in our service. For example, we recently increased the RPS of the redirector by optimizing the code. This increased the link redirection speed tenfold and increased our throughput.

We also develop according to client requests: collecting feedback on existing functionality and new features that need to be developed to meet their needs. Some of the latest improvements include implementing invoice auto-generation for potential clients and an anti-fraud system for another active client.

Who is already with us?

The 4rabet team – is a large company operating in the iGaming market in India. The team needed to migrate from a custom system using third-party services to a new platform that would provide unified accumulation of all data without using external services and allow quick configuration of player qualifications for payment. Alanbase was proposed for the team.

The product underwent a one-time integration, and currently, only the internal Alanbase tool called “Smart Goals” is used to create dynamic working conditions with partners (Min. deposits, Baselines, User activity), without requiring intervention from the product. In addition to the standard referral link for user acquisition, Promo Codes were connected, actively used by partners to attract traffic, and, most importantly, actions of users registered via promo codes can also be seen within the statistics and reported to external systems for advertising campaign optimization.

Inside Alanbase, the unique functionality of building customizable statistics and customizable cohort analysis, unparalleled in the market, is actively used. This functionality allows calculating all required product indicators (e.g., Average Check, ROI).


SeriousPartners is a well-known program operating in the mobile subscription sphere. The team needed a platform to launch a second affiliate program in the iGaming industry, with an easy-to-use interface and event tracking categorization, providing the ability to request partner payouts to various payment systems. Several SaaS solutions were considered, and the choice was made in favor of Alanbase.

  • The service was provided to the team;
  • assistance was given in client setup;
  • the integration model with problematic advertisers was worked out;
  • a series of operational system improvements were made upon the client’s request;
  • operational support is provided at all stages of operation.

The AffGods team – is one of the most experienced and large teams in influencer traffic in the affiliate market. The owner of the arbitrage team, Bogdan, approached us with a request to customize the solution for their goals and tasks. The team needed to find a replacement for the Keitaro tracker, as working with the tracker was accompanied by inconveniences: buyers did not have separate links, statistics were consolidated in one account, and all statistics were strictly divided by sub_id tags. Keitaro also lacked goal separation; for example, Registration and First Deposit were considered a single conversion. We helped integrate all offers the team works with. Essentially, we set up a system where we receive all available information from the advertiser, and the team sees all statistics exactly as on the product. This allows analyzing traffic quality independently, without waiting for uploads from the advertiser. Each media buyer also got their own personal dashboard where they could see their statistics and independently take links to drive traffic. At the client’s request, functionality was added to allow media buyers to have multiple administrative roles. In the future, expense input will be implemented, allowing for daily ROI calculations.

How to get started?

Right now, you can view the platform demo and test it for free for 14 days. You can also ask questions to our product to understand how Alanbase will work in your case. We support clients at all stages, from application to deployment, and provide support throughout the entire period of working with us. After the initial introduction and the decision to start cooperation, we quickly set up a separate client for you. If necessary, we work out the integration model and provide recommendations on which events to track and what we can see in the statistics. If you are already working on a solution and considering moving to Alanbase, we can transfer and import all your current data into the system – partner base, statistics, offers, deals, and much more. Next, we conduct onboarding and train your employees to use the system, help with mastering it, and answer all questions.


How to Launch Your Affiliate Program for Any Niche in Just 2 Hours?



Affiliate Industry

MightyTips and Marathonbet collaborate on a new partnership deal to conquer the Brazilian market





Affiliate website MightyTips and betting platform Marathonbet are entering into a new partnership that covers the Brazilian market to dominate the booming iGaming scene.

This strategic partnership will help Marathonbet to skyrocket its presence in the giant South American country with a population of over 215 million, boosting acquisition numbers in an increasingly competitive market.

A recent report by SOFTSWISS estimated that Brazilians participating in sports betting-related activity and online casinos in 2022 exceeded 46%.

The report also suggested the sports betting market in Brazil is significantly larger than that of online casinos. It is with these figures in mind that Marathonbet will seek to capitalise on.


Launched in 1997, Marathonbet has a rock-solid reputation and primarily operates under a licence issued by the Government of Curaçao. It was one of the first sportsbooks to launch an online betting service back in 2002.

Its brand is associated with some of the biggest names in football thanks to a deep-rooted commitment to the sport. In the past ten years, it has sponsored the likes of Real Madrid, Manchester United, Sevilla, and Lazio.

Eugene Ravdin, MightyTips Communications and Marketing Manager said: “Marathonbet is one of the biggest names in betting. Its long and storied evolution from the beginning of iGaming is incredible and we can’t wait to work alongside them.”

A Marathonbet spokesperson said: “We are pleased to announce the beginning of a long and fruitful cooperation with MightyTips. We are sure this will bring us and the players only positive emotions, and we wish all the players good luck and many victories.”

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Affiliate Industry

DeepCI rebrands to PartnerMatrix Intelligence to create all-in-one affiliate powerhouse



Reading Time: 2 minutes


DeepCI has rebranded to PartnerMatrix Intelligence to create an all-in-one affiliate management and data tracking powerhouse under the PartnerMatrix brand.

PartnerMatrix will combine the strengths of PartnerMatrix Intelligence’s advanced data tracking and analysis capabilities with its leading affiliate and agent management systems, providing both affiliate and operator customers with a superior, all-in-one solution.

Following its integration earlier this year, customers can access PartnerMatrix Intelligence both within the PartnerMatrix platform and as a standalone option.


Lewis Civin, co-founder of DeepCI will become Chief Product Officer for PartnerMatrix working alongside existing PartnerMatrix CEO, Vahe Khalatyan.

PartnerMatrix is the iGaming industry’s most comprehensive affiliate and agent management multi-brand system with real-time data enabling affiliate managers to create, manage, track and analyse their programs from one, easy-to-use location.

In 2023-24 the PartnerMatrix system saw traffic increase by more than 135% Year-on-Year helping to connect 170,000 affiliates to its brand partners. Total 2023 revenues increased by 175% compared to 2022, with a large pipeline of prospects for the rest of this year.

Vahe Khalatyan, CEO PartnerMatrix, said: “At PartnerMatrix we never stand still, and we are always looking at ways to enhance our customer offering.

“The integration of PartnerMatrix Intelligence into the wider PartnerMatrix offering is the logical continuation of our mission to provide our customers with a complete, all-in-one affiliate solution accessed from one source.


“Now, equipped with a powerful data analytics and optimisation tool accessed via PartnerMatrix, our customers can take their brands to even higher levels, managing, tracking and analysing all their activities, their competitors and key trends across millions of data points empowering them to make instant decisions to drive further efficiencies and maximise revenues.”

Lewis Civin, CPO, PartnerMatrix, said: “PartnerMatrix Intelligence, formerly, has established itself as a ‘must-have’ data management tool for affiliate managers.

“Today we’re officially joining forces with the most powerful affiliate management platform on the market in PartnerMatrix so we can now uniquely present brands and affiliates with all the financial data they need plus the ‘why,’ pinpointing the precise pages anywhere in the world that bring brands the most first-time depositors.

“PartnerMatrix Intelligence has access to every traffic insight that matters so we can give you the why behind FTDs, where you’re best performing and where you could do more, enabling brands and affiliates to take instant, actionable decisions. This combination simply doesn’t exist anywhere else.”

PartnerMatrix will exhibiting at stand 10-D50 iGB Live in Amsterdam on 16th to 19th July. Don’t miss the chance to meet the team and take a dive deep into all the new opportunities we can offer you. Book a meeting today!


The post DeepCI rebrands to PartnerMatrix Intelligence to create all-in-one affiliate powerhouse appeared first on European Gaming Industry News.

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Affiliate Industry

Engagement and retention: Keys to affiliate marketing success in iGaming



Reading Time: 3 minutes


By: Anastasiia Kapsha, Chief Marketing Officer at Alpha Affiliates

When we look back, even to just a decade ago, we can see just how far the affiliate marketing sector has come and the rapid advances as new technologies and tactics entered the sector. Affiliate marketers have witnessed first hand just how important it is to leverage these technologies and create new strategies to keep pace and engage audiences.

Today, amid the widespread interest in AI to deliver more personalised experiences, and shift to audiences seeking more captivating experiences from Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR and VR), the strategies for building and retaining engagement are changing.


To stay ahead and foster long-term engagement, affiliate marketers must familiarise themselves with the latest technologies, trends and techniques. Let’s look at the key trends ahead to driving engagement, and retention in 2024.


Leveraging AI to better understand your audience

AI has been much welcomed by marketing professionals, who are seeking more effective and efficient ways to connect with their audiences, and drive more personalised experiences. At Alpha Affiliates, we’re already seeing AI prove invaluable in areas such as banner creation, enhanced analytics and predicting user behaviour.

As well as supporting content creation, AI can amplify the effectiveness of campaigns, ensuring they resonate with the target audience. AI’s ability to analyse past patterns and behaviours, means affiliate marketers gain valuable insights which allow them to anticipate the actions a user will take, and offer more tailored content and promotions as a result.


In the iGaming sector, engagement is everything. Personalising affiliate marketing campaigns with the help of AI can be a gamechanger. Just imagine being able to predict when a user is likely to become a VIP player, and tailoring your marketing efforts accordingly. This level of personalisation not only enhances the user experience, but fosters long-term loyalty and engagement, as a result.

Embracing AI tools will be crucial in producing more effective, creative and impactful affiliate marketing campaigns in the iGaming sector.


Captivating audiences with immersive experiences

iGaming is all about excitement, interaction and engagement. We find that users want to experience more tangible, fun and immersive experiences. This is where Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) can be leveraged to create a sense of realness and blur the lines between the digital and physical world.


Although AR and VR technologies are still in developmental stages within the iGaming sector, they hold huge potential for captivating audiences and driving engagement. AR and VR can take campaigns in the iGaming world to new heights. Imagine an VR experience that transforms users to a virtual casino, surrounded with lifelike graphics and social interactions. By offering these immersive experiences, affiliate marketers can create “pinch me” moments that leave a lasting impression and foster deeper connections with their audiences.


Diversify your strategies to reach different audiences

The future is multi-channel. Diversifying content and communication channels is key to engaging different audiences across different platforms, and retaining them.

What is the most effective way to connect with your audience? How will they respond? These are a few of the key questions to ask yourself as an affiliate marketer working within the iGaming space. With these considerations, you can work out the best strategy based on your targets. It could be crafting blog posts that resonate with industry enthusiasts, or leveraging influencer marketing to tap into niche communities.


Taking a multi-channel approach that looks at diverse strategies, affiliate marketers can ensure that they can reach different audiences globally and provide value in a way that aligns with their audiences’ unique preferences, interests and tastes.

The reality is, the sector is constantly evolving. And with the introduction of new technologies and trends, affiliate marketing strategies have to evolve too. By embracing the latest technologies, diversifying communications with different audiences, and prioritising personalisation, affiliate marketers can position themselves for success in 2024 and beyond.

The post Engagement and retention: Keys to affiliate marketing success in iGaming appeared first on European Gaming Industry News.

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