Reading Time: 2 minutes The sequel follows success of the inaugural event in ongoing series Pinnacle has announced that – following the success of the...
Reading Time: < 1 minute Swedish game developer Gaming Corps is partnering with Croatian operator Supersport for the distribution of casino games via direct integration....
Reading Time: 3 minutes Since the covid outbreak, we have realized the importance of good health, and we know “health is a key to success”. The...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Evolution Services SA, the official reseller of Evolution brands (Evolution, Ezugi, Red Tiger, NetEnt) in South Africa, has announced a new...
Reading Time: 3 minutes Gaming Summit North America and Gaming Summit Latin America to take place next week between 22-23 June. We are excited to...
All customer relationship management (CRM) divisions sometimes reach a dead end of options. Sent emails? Tick. Sent short messages? Tick. Sent push notifications to mobile apps?...
Reading Time: 2 minutes European Gaming announces the final agenda for their second virtual quarterly meetup in 2021. The European Gaming Q2 Meetup is taking...
Reading Time: 2 minutes The Copenhagen-based company, Vita Media Group is excited to announce a new strategic investment with the acquisition of Trada Casino. In...
Reading Time: < 1 minute The industry’s well-known games development company, Red Rake Gaming, has boosted its Malta-based Commercial Team with two new additions to...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Crouch tells football fans why it’s always a good idea to switch to a better team Peter Crouch is back staring...