Reading Time: < 1 minute Ainsworth Game Technology has announced that Lawrence Levy has advised the Company of his intention to resign from the role...
Reading Time: < 1 minute An Austrian Senate ruling has concluded that two ads from Austrian Lotteries and Casino Austria breached the Austrian press code...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Tim Miller, Executive Director of the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC), has delivered a warning to industry leaders at a recent speech....
Reading Time: < 1 minute Stats Perform, the sports tech leader in data and AI, has announced an agreement with Borussia Dortmund which will see...
Reading Time: 5 minutes “The sun literally never sets on SEON”, proudly declares Tamas Kadar while talking about the rapid growth of his company over...
Reading Time: < 1 minute State-owned Danish gaming operator Danske Spil has reported a slight increase in revenue for the first half of 2021, up...
Reading Time: 2 minutes The Entain Foundation, a charitable trust set up by bwin’s parent company Entain, has partnered with TU Berlin (Berlin University of...
Reading Time: < 1 minute Poland’s Ministry of Finance Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa (KAS) has relaunched an awareness campaign, which aims to educate young people about...
Reading Time: < 1 minute Saudi Arabian esports organisation Tuwaiq Esports has partnered with machine learning esports platform Pluck to establish a player development scheme...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Entain’s bwin online gambling brand has announced that it has entered into a partnership with UEFA to become an Official Betting...