Reading Time: < 1 minute Release follows on from exclusive debut with Betsson group FunFair Games has announced the network-wide launch of its engaging real-money multiplayer...
Reading Time: 2 minutes ONE XPLAYER is a powerful new handheld games console designed to play AAA PC-Steam games on the move and that launched...
Reading Time: 2 minutes The International Esports Federation (IESF) is excited to announce that a long-term cooperation agreement was signed with Immun Active on 30th...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Fantasy Sports Interactive are excited to announce the completion of integration of their services to Scientific Games’ clients through the OpenArena...
Reading Time: 3 minutes A strong revised programme of men’s test matches is set to take place in July after all unions and World Rugby...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Innovative mobile-first developer has submitted its licence application to the Hellenic Gaming Commission with plans to enter the market later this...
Reading Time: < 1 minute Full-service compliance provider Maxima Compliance has launched Maxima DataVault, a proprietary multi-jurisdictional “SAFE” solution through which operators will be able...
Reading Time: < 1 minute Design Works Gaming is challenging players to discover a long-lost fortune in an innovative new online scratchcard including two features designed...
Reading Time: 3 minutes Over the years the esports industry has seen tremendous growth in terms of its reach and viewership. Once considered as a...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Little Town provides an introduction to the principles of game development using GameMaker to college and university students. By building a...