Jackpocket announced its first major national television sweepstakes, which will run in the newly premiered game show Blank Slate on Game Show Network. The Jackpocket...
The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi’s Four Winds Casinos announced that Mary Smith has been named Chief Operating Officer (COO). Mrs. Smith, who most recently served...
The Michigan Gaming Control Board (MGCB) announced new efforts to streamline access to help by promoting 1-800-GAMBLER as the state’s primary problem gambling helpline. Operated...
Reading Time: < 1 minute Symplify, the Stockholm-based market leader in CRM and AI cloud solutions, has put pen to paper on a new agreement...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Enteractive, the leader in player conversion and reactivation services, has been engaged by Bethard, the leading Swedish operator, to complement their...
Reading Time: < 1 minute As one of the most influential iGaming expos wraps up its last London edition, BetConstruct sets the course for the...
Reading Time: 2 minutes The association publishes its Annual Activity Report for 2023, highlighting key achievements and the latest online gambling data from its members....
Reading Time: < 1 minute The Danish Gambling Authority has presented December’s statistics for the gambling market in the areas of betting, online casino, slot...
Reading Time: 2 minutes NetBet Italy has announced a dynamic new partnership with Espresso Games, a leading online games provider. This collaboration promises an exciting...
Reading Time: < 1 minute The Albanian parliament has voted to reverse a five-year-old ban on online sports betting. This move comes as a response...