Players’ Risk Profiles Identified in the Young Dutch Market
Reading Time: 2 minutes
In an effort to guide players in the new Dutch gambling market, a joint effort by Call to Action Ltd. and Mindway.ai offered a self–analyzing tool that assesses a player’s gambling risk profile. During the trial period, 1,576 players took the test on OnlineCasinoGround.nl and received feedback on their gambling style and risk profile.
Results from the testing period were shared in October 2022, a year after opening the Dutch gambling market. This newly opened market focuses on providing a safe environment for players in new ways with new restrictions. Both the age of the market and its focus on safer gambling made Dutch players the ideal testing ground for Gamalyze.
While the test gives valuable insight into the different risk profiles of Dutch players, it’s the players themselves that benefited most from this pilot. After finishing the 3–minute test, players are presented with detailed feedback on their individual risk profile and an indication of how likely they are to underestimate potential gambling problems. This last part carries significant weight, as 22% of respondents underestimated their risk profile.
Chantal Lannooij, COO of Call to Action Ltd.: “We think responsible gambling is the most important thing in the iGaming market and especially in a young market such as the Netherlands. Therefore, we partnered up with Mindway.ai to allow players to test their own behavior and to see what the average risk profile is in the Dutch market. We encourage everyone to take part in this test to check out their risk profile before playing”.
The test, Gamalyze, was developed by Mindway.ai. This Danish university spin–out uses neuroscience to improve responsible gambling solutions. In the test, players try to maximize a virtual budget by picking cards from four stacks. Their responses to outcomes on the cards
reveal their gambling risk profile.
As one of the Netherlands’ largest online casino information platforms, readers from OnlineCasinoGround.nl formed the ideal audience for this trial. The first results are based on the feedback given to 1,576 players who self–tested following an invitation on the website. The test simulates a gambling environment by encouraging players to maximize a virtual budget. In the game, players pick cards which are assigned positive or negative values from four stacks. Each stack has its own volatility level. By analyzing if, how, and when players switch stacks to maximize their winnings, the test can provide insights in a players’ risk profile.
Click here for more information about the results and the test.
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