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“StyrPåSpillet” – New Website About Gambling and Compulsive Gambling



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The Danish Gambling Authority has launched the website StyrPå which is a platform that gathers all relevant information about gambling and compulsive gambling.

The website, which is primarily aimed at parents and professionals (e.g. teachers), contains material about gambling and compulsive gambling, including articles written by the Danish Gambling Authority. There are also links to relevant reports and other material.

Primary and lower secondary school teachers can also find teaching materials that can be used directly from the website. The material is aimed at students aged 13-15.


Students who are writing an assignment on gambling or compulsive gambling can find relevant facts and figures at StyrPåSpillet.

The website also features the podcast “Vi snakker om spillet” (“We talk about the game”), where the host talks to a number of people who have experienced gambling addiction personally or in their social circle.

StyrPåSpillet is part of the Danish Parliament’s efforts against compulsive gambling from 2023 – 2025.


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