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Live e-gaming seminar in the Isle of Man



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MannBenham Advocates is bringing together speakers and panellists from across a variety of disciplines and a wide range of industries which include gaming, banking, compliance and information security.

With the support of key sponsors, Champion Sports, Capital International Bank, Continent 8 and MuchBetter they are able to bring you the Isle of Man E-Gaming Seminar and networking lunch at the Villa Marina on 12 October.

Delegates will get the opportunity to hear from industry leaders who are driving new and innovative solutions in the areas of compliance and operational management, as well as modern concepts and ideas to use data more effectively and securely.


Focusing on sector awareness and optimised systems, techniques and processes, contributions from key industry experts and speakers, who will introduce new ideas and concepts to the audience, as well as providing insights on how the best practices and standards for industries can be achieved.

Delegates will be able to listen to and engage in discussions around key factors within the gaming and broader industries. But it’s not just all about presenting to the audience. There are opportunities to connect with the speakers, panellists and other delegates as well as network with similar minded businesses over tea and coffee. For further networking opportunities and to round off the conference, a buffet lunch will provided after we bring the seminar to a close.

Carly Stratton, Head of Business & Gaming at MannBenham Advocates said, “The conference is not just for the benefit of the gaming industry but the Isle of Man business community as a whole to understand how businesses can effectively operate in local and global markets. The event is going to be an exciting, positive and hopefully thought-provoking event…

To find out more information or book your place, visit .

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