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Enter the Dutch market faster with Maxima Compliance’s certified DataVault solution



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Operators and games providers can significantly reduce the time it takes to enter the newly-regulated Dutch market with Maxima DataVault’s Control Database solution.

The Control Database (or CDB – Controle DataBank for the Kansspelautoriteit) is a mandatory component of the platform for any B2C business wishing to obtain a licence to operate online games of chance and sports betting in the Netherlands.

The functionality is similar to that of other European DataVaults – including the French, Spanish and Danish SAFE – with the difference that the Dutch Control Database needs to be built to the unique specifications of the Dutch authority and be physically located in the Netherlands.


Maxima saves you months of research and internal development by providing a solution that integrates easily and quickly with your operator platform, is hosted on Dutch soil, and is fully managed on your behalf.

Maxima DataVault has been certified by an independent laboratory, authorised by the KSA, which means that you won’t have to pay to obtain your own CDB certification, nor waste precious time going through the certification process yourself.

The product is built by the industry experts behind Maxima Compliance, drawing upon unparalleled experience working closely with both regulators and gaming businesses.

Antonio Zanghi, CEO of Maxima Compliance, the company that has engineered the DataVault, said: “With our technical compliance consultancy services and our proprietary DataVault, we are taking operators and suppliers by the hand and walking them into the Dutch market in a fraction of the time that it would have taken them.

“As the market opens, in September, you will come across licensed operators that are entering a regulated European market for the first time. This has only been made possible by the support that Maxima has provided to them, by making their platforms compliant with Dutch regulations, and by integrating them to our DataVault.”


Filippo Ferri, Chief Commercial Officer of Maxima Compliance, added: “Online gaming operators and B2B gaming suppliers that are looking to enter the Dutch market should be reaching out to Maxima Compliance right now. If you want to be among the first operators to offer your services in this newly regulated market, our experience, support and DataVault solution are the quickest way to get there.

“It is also worth remembering that Maxima can provide a DataVault solution for all regulated markets that require one, including Denmark, Spain and the soon-to-be regulated German online gaming market. So, whichever European market you are looking to target, our combination of technology solutions plus technical and regulatory support will get you there faster.”

Maxima DataVault launched in May, providing a platform capable of receiving XML and JSON data from operators and game suppliers, and saving this data in the correct format required by local regulators across multiple jurisdictions.

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