
Nevada Gaming Control Board: 2021-24 NGC-09 (License Verification) Change Requests




Effective April 1, 2021, all licensees must submit notification to change licensed location information through the Nevada Gaming Control Board’s (Board) online filing system using the NGC-09.

Items that must be submitted through the NGC-09 include, but are not limited to:
 Name changes
 Address changes
 Phone number changes
 Tax identification number changes
 Trust approvals (NRS 463.172)
 Regulation 2.070 email changes
 Removal/change of licensed persons
 Removal/change of approvals
 Removal/change of conditions

Letters and emails submitted to the Board that address the aforementioned items will no longer be accepted. Instructions on how to amend a licensee’s NGC-09 can be found under the help menu on the online filing system. Each licensee’s Location Administrator has the ability to grant access to all subordinate user accounts for filing of the NGC-09. This includes granting the ability to submit these requests on behalf of the licensee to external counsel and consultants, if deemed appropriate.

Additionally, the Board expects licensees to take steps to ensure any changes to the NGC-09 and all other filing requirements are provided timely. Failure to comply with all applicable statutes and regulations may result in disciplinary action.


Active license information is located online under the Location Detail Report

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