Press Releases

ZenSports Launches New Open API For Sports Betting



Reading Time: 2 minutes


Sports bettors and developers can now automatically tap into the robust ZenSports functionality and product without having to use its mobile app.

​ZenSports​’peer-to-peer sports betting product has until now only been available to consumers that utilize the company’s mobile app. Today, the sports betting startup is announcing a new open API that will allow anyone to tap into the ZenSports features remotely without having to use the actual app.

With the new open API, sports bettors and developers can set up the ability to automatically create, accept, and manage bets en masse, set up automatic deposits and withdrawals in any currency, and utilize a host of other features remotely outside of the app.


According to ZenSports Co-Founder & CEO, Mark Thomas, “For power users of our app that want to perform a high volume of transactions, manually performing those transactions one at a time within our app isn’t ideal. By offering an open API, those power users can automate a lot of the functionality that they would want to perform. We expect the open API to be perfect for market makers and bookmakers that are looking for an additional distribution channel to automatically add a lot of their bets to. Of course, all Makers still have to follow the rules of our decentralized marketplace, but our consumers are always looking for more liquidity, so this should be a very attractive option for market makers and bookmakers.”

Thomas also suggested that the new open API would be perfect for sports betting operators and affiliate marketers that have a front-end betting infrastructure built, but need the back-end infrastructure that ZenSports provides. This would allow front-end operators to tap into the ZenSports API to create new users, set up accounts, and utilize the ZenSports Referral Bonuses program to make an additional income.

Developers that are interested in utilizing the new ZenSports open API can access the documentation at:

Within this documentation are the following API calls and features that developers can tap into:

  1. Funds and Transactions
  2. Betting
  3. Countries
  4. Cryptocurrency Transactions
  5. Fantasy Contests
  6. Referral Bonuses
  7. SPORTS Exchange
  8. SPORTS Rewards Program
  9. SPORTS Token API
  10. Users

ZenSports launched a separate paid API for just its SPORTS token last month​that enterprise companies can use to integrate into their own product offerings, along with a paid white label offering of the ZenSports app. This new open API​​is free to all developers.

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