
Blockchain casinos attracting 30,000 players per week



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More than 30,000 users are actively playing at blockchain casinos each week, according to research from, the leading crypto-focused casino affiliate, analysed player data, stored immutably on a range of blockchains, to estimate the total number of players active on decentralised casinos each week.

The figure exceeds 30,000, with the most activity focused on casinos which sit upon three blockchains: TRON, Ethereum and EOS.


During a one-week period at the end of April, 10 leading blockchain casinos processed more than $60 million in wagers.

A number of blockchain casinos have enjoyed particularly strong growth in 2020; Ethereum-based casinos powered by the FunFair-platform, including, roughly doubled its user base in the first four months of the year.

David Bartram, editor at, said: “Over the past three years, blockchain gaming has grown rapidly to the point where decentralised casinos are attracting a commercially significant number of weekly active users.

“These players are attracted by the greater transparency and speed blockchain gaming can offer over traditional, fiat currency casinos. As this user base grows, it would be no surprise to see established casino operators soon looking to incorporate blockchain gaming into their product offerings.”

Lloyd Purser, COO at FunFair Technologies, said: “The numbers are really starting to speak for themselves. We know the benefits the technology can bring and now an ever increasing number of players are understanding and taking advantage of those benefits too.


“Right at the top of the list is they can have a truly fair, or in our case Guaranteed Fair Ⓡ, igaming experience with the same quality and excitement as playing with a traditional online casino. Blockchain igaming is really hotting up, it’s an exciting place to be right now and that will continue into the future as the universe of players continues to rapidly grow.”

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