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BetKnowMore Launches Charity Initiative to Fill Gambling Disorder Support Gap
BetKnowMore (BKM) has launched its charity initiative aimed at placing training, education and lived experience at the heart of treatment and recovery from gambling disorders.
Led by chief executive Frankie Graham, since 2013, BKM has operated a treatment support consultancy providing specialised training for diverse stakeholders handling the psychological and sociological complexities of problem gambling.
Launching its UK charity status, BKM announced that it would maintain its training and consultancy programmes under its rebranded unit of “BKM Evolve”.
The organisation has developed a new three-year plan to steer its work as a charity, in which it aims to “provide support and training services that prevent and address personal and societal harms caused by gambling”.
“Betknowmore UK is an ambitious, young charity. We seek sustainable growth, achieved through evolving strategic planning and learning, diversity of income streams and strong partnerships with organisations with shared values,” CEO Frankie Graham said.
Spearheading its initiatives, BKM has developed a new website – – which the charity will use to transform its training services to a digital platform.
“The global impact of covid-19 has affected us all. For those affected by gambling harms, the many changes in our personal and professional lives may exacerbate what is already a complex and multi-layered condition.” Graham said.
“The gap remains between those receiving support and those requiring help. Therefore, we need to reach more individuals, families, and communities to help prevent and address harms, and build resilience in both physical and digital environments.”
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