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NETSCOUT Report Reveals Increase in Global DDoS Attacks



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At a time when the online gaming and gambling sector is increasingly facing cyber threats, the rise of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks has become a major concern. According to the findings from NETSCOUT’s latest DDoS Threat Intelligence report, the gaming industry – also encompassing gambling associated with gaming – has been a top target for DDoS attacks.

Historically, 80-90% of all DDoS attacks are related to video games and online gambling. The report reveals that over 100,000 DDoS attacks were launched against video game publishers, and more than 20,500 against gambling-related companies in 2023. These attacks are often launched during online gaming tournaments in an attempt to disrupt competitors. The extensive gambling activity taking place around these events also introduces the potential for financial gain in the event of successfully attacking opponents and their networks.

The victims, typically online gaming companies, suffer substantial financial losses and must exert significant efforts to restore their services. This increased vulnerability is due to the sector’s strong dependence on digital infrastructure, making gaming platforms prime targets for cybercriminals.


Philippe Alcoy, security technologist at NETSCOUT, highlights a marked increase in attacks, often motivated by financial interests and the importance of comprehensive network visibility:

“It is clear that the situation is worsening, with incidents like the recent attacks against Blizzard Entertainment and Final Fantasy 14 in February and May 2024, where massive waves of traffic were deliberately sent to overload servers, thus harming the online player experience. These attacks are not just a minor inconvenience; they threaten the integrity and stability of the entire digital game ecosystem. While primarily profit driven, these attacks may also aim to harm competitors or occur in the context of disputes among players, particularly in networked games.

“In the online gaming and gambling sectors, where attacks can occur at any moment, having a precise mapping of network activity is essential to maintain service continuity and protect critical resources. To anticipate attacks before they cause significant damage, comprehensive network visibility is necessary to not only detect and respond quickly to incidents, but to also understand and analyse traffic.

“It is crucial that online gaming operators strengthen their security measures to guard against DDoS attacks, which aim not only to disrupt but also to destabilise companies economically and operationally. Attackers are exploiting the specific vulnerabilities of these digital platforms, often during peak user connection times, to maximise the impact of their attacks. Companies must therefore integrate DDoS resilience as an essential component of their security strategy, not only to protect their operations but also to maintain player trust – which is fundamental in this competitive sector.”

The post NETSCOUT Report Reveals Increase in Global DDoS Attacks appeared first on European Gaming Industry News.



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