
Sumsub Releases Transaction Monitoring Guide




Sumsub, a global tech company that provides customizable KYC, KYB, and AML solutions for the whole user journey, published its Complete Guide to Transaction Monitoring to provide a detailed picture of transaction monitoring as an integral part of the verification system.

The guide was prepared by Sumsub’s compliance and anti-fraud team in partnership with Pismo, an all-in-one, cloud-native financial services platform covering all core banking and payment processing functionalities.

Transaction monitoring is crucial for companies providing financial services, as it helps them perform risk assessments and detect suspicious activities. This expert guide is intended to show businesses in the fintech, banking, insurance, gambling, and e-commerce sectors how to spot transaction fraud, bolster their defenses, ensure full compliance, and optimize user conversion rates at the same time.

Every industry benefits from transaction monitoring in different ways:

  • A gambling or iGaming service can support responsible gaming by easily detecting if a customer is spending more money than declared in their income statement, and a service can curb arbitrage betting by detecting multi-accounters.
  • Banks can automatically detect signs of suspicious activity, such as income drastically higher than in the source of funds statement.
  • In e-commerce, purchases over AML thresholds and unusual spending patterns should automatically raise alarm bells and be prevented.
  • For insurance companies, illegitimate claims and fraud patterns can be detected.

“Nowadays it’s getting harder for regulated businesses to survive and grow in conditions of economic recession: they need to keep pass rates high, attract new users and stay protected from fraud—all at the same time. The perfect tool to help businesses keep up with their ambitious plans and avoid scams on the way to growth is transaction monitoring. It is a new must in verification that should come together with KYC and other AML checks. By combining user, business and transaction verification in a single flow, you get a complete picture of user profiles and can intercept even the most sophisticated fraud attack vectors and patterns, and that provides extra insurance that fraud risks can be reduced,” Vyacheslav Zholudev, co-founder and CTO of Sumsub, said.

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