Industry News

Survey Reveals 40% Europeans Use Internet for Entertainment, Including Online Gambling




A recent Eurobarometer survey has revealed that 40% of Europeans use the internet for entertainment purposes, including online gambling. The survey “Europeans’ attitudes towards cyber security” has a dedicated section about internet use amongst Europeans.

Key findings of the survey:

  • Internet use is on the rise: 76% of Europeans use the internet on a daily basis and a further 9% use it often or sometimes.
  • Smartphones are the most popular means of accessing the internet: 85% of Europeans access the internet through smartphones, followed by laptops (51%), desktops (41%) and tablets (35%).
  • Social activities and online banking are the most common online activities: The majority of Europeans use the internet for email use (80%), followed by reading news (62%), accessing social networks (62%), online banking (61%), buying goods or services (55%), messaging (51%), phone and video calls (41%) and entertainment (40%), including video/audio streaming and online gambling.

This trend towards greater internet and smartphone use is also reflected in the EU gambling market. In 2018, 23% of EU gambling activity was online, up from 21% in 2017.




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