Players to Compete in Saint Seiya Awakening: Knights of the Zodiac Charity Match Raising Money for Young People with Cancer
Athena’s Charity Cup, the charity match of Saint Seiya Awakening: Knights of the Zodiac will take place on December 11th, raising money for La Casa de la Amistad, a Mexican charity organization.
Since its launch in 2019, Saint Seiya Awakening: Knights of the Zodiac, the RPG game developed by Tencent, published by Gtarcade and licensed by Kurumada Productions continues to gain popularity among game players and manga fans. While players are fighting together for love and justice in the game, they are also trying to make a real difference in life. The Athena’s Charity Cup, a charity match is therefore organized by game players themselves.
• Introduction to Athena’s Charity Cup
As the Goddess of Wisdom, War, Strategy and Hope, Athena protects the peace and love on the earth together with the Saints. Now players of the game are trying to reach out and help those in need in real life. Altogether 16 famous players will participate in the match, donating money to qualify for the competition. The organizer of the match, YouTuber Androly San will livestream the whole match on his YouTube channel. Livestream gifts will also be provided by YOOZOO Games during the match.
All the proceeds from the match will be donated to La Casa de la Amistad, a Mexican charity organization dedicated to offering comprehensive support at no cost, to young people with cancer. Ing. Leonardo Arana de la Garza, General Director of Casa de la Amistad also extended his appreciation for the players.
“Over the last few years we have been focusing on creating bonds with diverse sectors, so that everyone can get to know our cause and labour. In this specific case, we have united efforts with the Gamer community and we have launched the ‘League of Help’ campaign, which, since this September, has aimed to raise funds through cause-based streams.
The Gamer community have shown us that amazing things can happen when we work together… together, we can help more girls, boys and young people to get the oncological treatments that they need.
We are truly excited with the ‘Athena´s Charity Cup’ tournament, organised by Androly San, which we are sure will bring us closer to sensible people who will join our cause. It is a way to connect with fans of Saint Seiya Awakening: Knights of the Zodiac, through a social cause.”
• Introduction to La Casa de la Amistad
Committed to helping low-income population from birth to 21 years of age suffering from cancer, La Casa de la Amistad helps to reduce their medical expenses and to get more comprehensive treatment. More than 12,200 young people with cancer have received the treatment they needed.
La Casa de la Amistad maintains cooperation with well-known charitable organizations such as the World Child Cancer and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, helping children in 27 Mexican hospitals. It is certified by Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía – CEMEFI) and is audited by KPMG to ensure the effectiveness of the donations.
Link of the match:
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